Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Unexpected Joy (and shameless self-promotion)

I happen to have the same creative writing professor that my gf had, and we were both pleased to see his comments on my latest piece of poetry.

The poem:


Hope like rich soil
Nursing autumn dreams
Her hands traced the lines
Of thick granite truth

She spoke in oaks
And silver
Promises whispered and kept
A secret sunrise sheltered
From gray skies

His comments: "This is a gorgeous piece. Don't change a thing."
My gf said that she, in spite of the hard work she put into her writing, never received such comments. She was, understandably, a little jealous. I was elated by the positive feedback, especially given that I knew the piece had the potential to be good, but I was unsure if I had made it too cryptic, played it too close to the chest. I comforted Rose by telling her that 1) the poem is about her and that 2) in writing, I drew on inspiration from one of her poems.

The funny part is that the poem that inspired me was a poem she wrote about said creative writing professor.

Kooky, huh?

Until next time,

- Joel

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